Pass-through multiswitch system in apartment building
(for two satellites)

Könyvtári archívum
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Here's an example of installation diagram in apartment building. The system provides each outlet with all available terrestrial broadcasts and satellite programs from one of two satellites (in the example - Astra and HotBird). The antennas and triplexer are mounted on the roof, the set of channel amplifiers and splitters - in the attic. The system is expandable and allows to implement new functions in the future, e.g. CCTV monitoring, similarly to this diagram. During construction or renovation of the building it is very important to run the appropriate cables to all points where one may need antenna outlets. It is worth to use quality satellite coax, in order not having to exchange the cable after a couple of years. The system has to be designed and installed by professional installation company.
Pass-through systems based on radial multiswitches with passive terrestrial paths are less flexible than tap networks, so they are dedicated for networks with dozen or so outlets. However, the undoubted advantage of this type of installations is the ease of their construction (self-contained riser/s).
Univerzális pluszfejtartó LNBKoaxiális kábel 75 ohm A osztály TRISET-113 1.13/4.8/6.8 [1m]9/4-es, kaszkádolható Multiswitch: TERRA MS-951Univerzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor Signal9/4-es, kaszkádolható Multiswitch: TERRA MS-9519/4-es, kaszkádolható Multiswitch: TERRA MS-9519/4-es, kaszkádolható Multiswitch: TERRA MS-951Televízió antenna DIPOL 19/21-60 DIGITALAntenna közösítőszűrő ZA 104Ms FM/6-12/21-69/75Univerzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalUniverzális RTV-SAT végkonnektor SignalErősítő SA-91L 9 bemenetes TERRA multiswitchekhez (A osztály)9/4-es Multiswitch: TERRA MS-952URH rádióantenna Dipol 1RUZ PM B  (körsugárzó H+V)DAB / VHF III TV Antenna: DIPOL-4/5-12Univerzális QUATRO LNB: Inverto HOME Pro 0.3dBNégycsatornás erősítő: Terra at440 (UHF, DVB-T, AGC)Műholdas antenna INVERTO IDLB-STCF 120cm (világos színű)

SatNet program allows to design a practical implementation of the system.
To select the right components, the data for the design must contain:
  • network topology,
  • levels of satellite signals,
  • levels of terrestrial signals,
  • attenuation of the cable/s.
Each element of the installation has its control points (connections with the rest of the network, including the cable runs). Clicking on them, the user of the program can see detailed characteristics (signal levels for different frequencies). If the signals meet the adopted criteria, they are colored in green, if some levels are too low - in blue, if too high - in red. In the diagram below all the points are in green - the project is consistent with the assumptions.
Screenshot from SatNet utility
The design made with the SatNet program can be saved to a file. The file saved for the case shown above can be downloaded here. So anyone can install the SatNet program and load this file to test the utility and modify on their own (e.g. extend) the original example.