Áramellátás CCTV rendszerekben

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The most commonly cable used for video transmission is RG59, which is usually equipped with two power wires. The cable family has several versions, e.g. YAR 75 M5995 with the power wires of 0.5 mm2 and YAP 75 M6100 with 1.0 mm2 (for indoor applications) and XAP 75 M6103 (for outdoor applications). The cables are CE market and their coaxial parts ensure 90% braid coverage.
Power supply from 230 VAC power line

Compact Outdoor Camera: n-cam 610 (600 TVL, Sony Super HAD II CCD, 0.01 lx, 2.8-12mm, IR up to 40m, OSD) Power Supply Distributor LZ-8/POLSMPS AC/DC Adapter ZI-5000 12V/5A (for CCTV cameras)Stabilized Power Supply: ZSIT-62-8 (SMPS, 230VAC/12-14VDC, 8x0.65A)CCTV Network DVR: TREND 250X16 (H.264, 16 channels) - CLEARANCE SALE!Outdoor Compact Camera: n-cam 670 (day/night, D-WDR, 650TVL, Sony Effio-E, 0.03 lx, 2.8-12mm, OSD, IR up to 30m)

Buffer Power Supply: HPSB 11A12C (9.5-13.8VDC, 11A)Rechargeable Battery MW 18-12S (12V, 18Ah)Compact Outdoor Camera: Sunell SN-IRC4920AJ (day/night, D-WDR, 600 TVL, Sony Effio-E, 0.08 lx, 2.8-10mm, OSD, IR up to 40m) Network DVR: HIKVISION/ULTIMAX DS-8116HFI-S H.264 (16-ch.)

Switch Mode Power Supply:  DR120-12 (12-14VDC/10A)Compact Outdoor Camera: n-cam 710 (600 TVL, Sony Super HAD II CCD, 0.01 lx, 2.8-12mm, IR up to 30m, OSD) CCTV Network DVR: SIGNAL DL-8316 (16ch-4CIF-25fps, H.264, HDMI)  - CLEARANCE SALE!

Buffer Power Supply: PSUPS10A12 (11-13.8VDC, 10A)CCTV Network DVR: TREND 260X16 (H.264, 16 channels, HDMI)Compact Outdoor Camera: Sunell SN-IRC4920AJ (day/night, D-WDR, 600 TVL, Sony Effio-E, 0.08 lx, 2.8-10mm, OSD, IR up to 40m)

Power Supply ZK-40/16 (40V/2A) - with 230VAC/29VAC transformer
Stabilizer SK-40 - with 40V input and 12V output - for CCTV cameras